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Totem of Legends vs Old Burning Rage - ???

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Re: Totem of Legends vs Old Burning Rage - ???

Postby Burdis » Sun Mar 12, 2017 2:02 am

lol what the hell has having lightning totems and drain totems on the field even got to do with how totem of legends compares to old br??
yes one BR on the field is worse than having a combination of 7 other bloody cards on the field but that doesnt change the fact that that when BR is compared legends alone BR is far stronger?

your whole original arguement is taht if old br was a huge problem then this other card taht is the exact same (totem) should be nerfed too
but then you go ahead on other threads and complain that rage is useless without old BR. If rage is so usless without br then the card that you claim is of the exact same power level should single handedly carry the aspect aswell no?
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Re: Totem of Legends vs Old Burning Rage - ???

Postby Cruel_TeK » Sun Mar 12, 2017 2:19 am

cmon man, dont be a moron

one br. + 7 spels / creatures cast will always do mostly the what they wouldve done.

show me the unfair shit I can spend my mana on with a burning rage that will give me exponential returns on my mana spent the way totems do. stop with this 7 cards spent bs as if this was a drawback or some insanely limiting investment. lol

totem of legends plays shamans and totems

burninng rage plays spells and creatures

most of them are not artifacts/blessings and can be actualy interacted with. most of them dont give you exponential returns on mana spent.

obviously when comparing the two, I wll compare the deckss in general.

but really, the key is - value per mana spent. take a moment to think about it.
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Re: Totem of Legends vs Old Burning Rage - ???

Postby Cruel_TeK » Sun Mar 12, 2017 2:48 am

you know what guys? nevermind. value per mana spent. think about it or dont. I dont care anymore.
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Re: Totem of Legends vs Old Burning Rage - ???

Postby Lightstream » Sun Mar 12, 2017 2:56 am

old burning rage is not coming back, whether or not it would be "fine" now. The fact that the new burning rage was used in master's means nobody can really claim it's "useless." The old burning rage can only come back as a new card, and that probably won't happen.

Totem of legends will probably be nerfed if shamans take over. The devs said they wanted to shake things up, and since shamans have never really sat on the top, they probably didn't want to do anything yet.
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Re: Totem of Legends vs Old Burning Rage - ???

Postby YSChaos » Sun Mar 12, 2017 5:32 am

the ramp part of BR was bad, and I'm glad it's long gone.
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Re: Totem of Legends vs Old Burning Rage - ???

Postby steinr » Sun Mar 12, 2017 1:12 pm

This is just hilarious. :D :D

Something constructive too:
If you don't run the Totem in a deck that's 90% Shamans and Totems, it is useless. If you want to use Shaman / Totem synergies your deck is already filled up so much that you can barely fit in spells because every cut is a hard decision, affecting your consistency.
Burning Rage was way more flexible.

Shamans in SW are comparable to Slivers in MTG - if you built a deck filled with those it was fun and playable. If you ran them solo they are just useless crap.

ATM Shamans are really good, although the new Reanimator matchup is tough. And they lost OTK to slaughter - so not that many autowins.
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Re: Totem of Legends vs Old Burning Rage - ???

Postby Warcrafter4 » Sun Mar 12, 2017 11:37 pm

steinr wrote:This is just hilarious. :D :D

Something constructive too:
If you don't run the Totem in a deck that's 90% Shamans and Totems, it is useless. If you want to use Shaman / Totem synergies your deck is already filled up so much that you can barely fit in spells because every cut is a hard decision, affecting your consistency.
Burning Rage was way more flexible.

Shamans in SW are comparable to Slivers in MTG - if you built a deck filled with those it was fun and playable. If you ran them solo they are just useless crap.

ATM Shamans are really good, although the new Reanimator matchup is tough. And they lost OTK to slaughter - so not that many autowins.

I think a better comparison would have been "Allies" from MtG: The main "Ally" tribe effect is they do X when an ally comes into play(some have minor effects that proc when they themselves come into play like a 0/1's ally effect is it gains +1/+1 when any ally inducing itself comes into play making it a 1/2 while others not so much).

So like totems you need to play a card that generally does nothing by itself and then play more card of a specific tribe to activate them.
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Re: Totem of Legends vs Old Burning Rage - ???

Postby iLikeCookies » Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:25 pm

Guys comon you are being mean to cruel. He makes this thread comparing the BR deck with shamans, not just the BR card and the carddraw totem. Also, you are flaming him too much, and show to be not willing to understand arguments. Why so passive aggressive cobi? Why do you refuse to think burdis? I'm not trying to flame you ppl here, but to make a good discussion all parties must set aside their saltiness.

Clearly, every totem you play increases the power of your future shamans. This is what cruel means when he says "shamans ramp". Its not hard to figure this out.

@cruel, I think why they disagree on the comparison between the shamans and BR decks is that the shamans deck is much more restrictive in terms of deckbuilding than the BR deck. There is more variation in building a BR deck than in building a shaman deck. This is also why the power level of shamans is higher. So in a sense you could see this restrictiveness as a "drawback".

Restricted decks are more counterable, and thus have higher power when they go uncountered. Just play a bunch of underworld scourges and kill the totems and play harpies to kill the shamans (who are almost all 1 level).

Also, the skillshrine is backfiring a lot. spend 2 mana and a card to do nothing is really not something you want to do, and it does this ~30% of the time. (using 15 or 16 totems)

If you wan't to pay a value oriented rage deck, rage wisdom control is the only thing I can see.
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Re: Totem of Legends vs Old Burning Rage - ???

Postby Cobi » Thu Mar 16, 2017 9:45 pm

I was kinda just going with the tone of the thread but maybe you're right Cookies, I didn't really need to pile on.

Cruel_TeK wrote:you too man? UGH.

I don't even necessarily disagree with you Cruel, I would like to see old burning rage return in some form or other. BUT I do maintain that the comparison you chose just isn't very apt, seeing how these cards and the decks they are played in are so different.
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Re: Totem of Legends vs Old Burning Rage - ???

Postby Maximvs » Fri Jul 13, 2018 10:09 pm

Ah god. The old burning rage days with spell spam and dragonbreath dealing 5 damage to the face.

Both were nerfed for a reason, and certain totems needs to be nerfed as well.
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